Table of Contents


Yasuhiro Miyoshi Updated by Yasuhiro Miyoshi


How to integrate the standard version

Integration Setup

On the Integration page of the Admina by Money Forward, search for Miro and select General Tab.

click on "Integrate" without entering any information.γ€€

To retrieve the Last Activity for each account in Miro, enter the email address and password and click Integrate.γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€


You will be taken to the Miro login screen. Enter your Miro login e-mail address and password to log in.

The following application authorization screen will appear, so select the team you wish to link and click "install & authorize".

That's all for the standard version.


How to integrate the Enterprise version

How to get Client ID and Client Secret
  1. Create an OAuth App according to the following URL.


  1. Add the following redirect URI


  1. Β For Permissions, select organizations:read.
  2. Β Copy and save the Copy Client ID and Client secret from App Credentials.

Integration Setup

On the Integration screen of the Admina by Money Forward, search for Miro. Select Enterprise plan tab.

Copy Client ID to Client ID and Client secret to Client secret, and click "Integrate".


If the link ith Miro is successful, the registered user information will be displayed in the account list.

If it does not complete normally, edit it from the status tab of the integration screen and try the linkage again.

If you can't solve it, please contact us via chat πŸ™

How did we do?


Money Forward Admina
