Table of Contents



How to get Workspace Key
  1. After logging into Vercel, select the team you wish to integrate with and go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down the General menu and copy the Team ID, which will become the Workspace Key.

How to get Access Key
  1. Select Personal Account and go to Settings > Tokens to create a Token.
  1. Enter each of the following values and click Create.
  • Token Name:Enter any token name.
  • SCOPE:elect the team to integrate. Note that integrating will fail if you select a team different from the workspace key obtained in the previous section.
  • Expiration:Select the expiration date of the Token; if "No Expiration" is selected, the expiration date will be indefinite.
  1. Copy the displayed token as it will be the access key. For security reasons, the token cannot be redisplayed, so be sure to copy it here.

Integration Setup

  1. n the MoneyForward Admina Integration screen, search for Vercel and click on it.
  1. Enter the workspace key and access key obtained in the previous section, and click Integrate.

If the integration with Vercel is successful, the registered user information will appear in the account list. 

If the integration does not complete successfully, please edit the status tab on the integration screen and try integrating again.

If the problem persists, please contact us via chat 🙏.


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