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Cost Management with CSV Data

Cost Management with CSV Data

SaaS cost management (insights and expenses) can be performed by importing customized CSV data output from accounting and expense systems.


How to import CSV

1. click on "Spending" from the menu on the left, then click on the Import Spending Data button in the upper right corner.

2. The Import Spending Data screen will appear. Download the CSV template for import and save it in any folder.

3. Open the downloaded template file and enter each item according to the format.

  • (Required) Date: in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD format
  • (Required) Amount :should be a number and can have a dot for decimals
  • (Required) Currency:Only one currency is allowed - USD or JPY
  • (Optional)Description:Text description of the spending
  • (Optional):Service name:Service to attach spend to
・The explanation line is added in line 7 by default, but please delete it when importing.
・Please delete the blank line on line 6, as it will cause import failure.


4.After creating the file, save it in CSV (UTF-8) format.

It is convenient to include the date of the accounting data in the file name in YYYY-MM-DD format for confirmation.

5.Drag and drop the created file onto the " Import Spending data screen" to start importing.

6. Upon successful completion, the following message will be displayed. If it fails, follow the error message and modify the CSV file.

Confirmation of imported data

From the "Spending" screen, click on all sources to see the name of the imported file and the date and time of the import run.

Please check if the imported data is reflected.

How did we do?

Check the payment status of SaaS

Manage SaaS contract dates
