Table of Contents


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Integration with SmartHR

There are two ways to link SmartHR and Admina: using OAuth and using API keys.

We recommend that new customers who are going to integrate SmartHR and Admina use the OAuth method, which is easier to integrate.


Advance Preparation

How to login to SmartHR

Enter your email address and password on the SmartHR login page to log in.


If you wish to link with SmartHR Plus via OAuth, please access SmartHR Plus from the following link and allow Admina to link with SmartHR.

SaaS Management: Money Forward Admina (SmartHR Plus)

  1. Click on "Start collaborating".
  2. Log in to SmartHR with an account that has administrative privileges. Once you have logged in, your preliminary preparations are complete and you can proceed to the next section on setting up the integration.


Integration with API key

When linking with API key, check the following items.


How to get workspace key

Log in to SmartHR . The URL part will be the workspace key , so copy it.

https://workspace key

How to get an access key

The access token becomes the access key . Please issue an access token by referring to the URL below.

・The permission to reference employee information (/crews) and accounts (/users) is required.
・When retrieving the email address of a custom field item at the time of integration, the permission to refer to the added custom employee item is required.

Integration setup

Search with SmartHR on the integration screen of the Admina by Money Forward.

From the tab, click OAuth and then click [Integrate]. Set and select the following items as necessary.

  • Custom Employee Item Name for Email Address (Optional): Enter a custom employee item name (the red box in the image below) if you want to retrieve the email address for the custom employee item. If specified, it will be retrieved as the primary address. Multiple items can be entered, separated by commas (the first item will be retrieved as the primary address). When linked, the email addresses of the custom employee items can be automatically merged (merged).
  • Show business name as preferred: If a business name is set in SmartHR, set the Admina username business name.


Integration with API Key

Select "API" from the tab, enter values for each of the following items, and click "Integrate".

  • Workspace name: Any string (e.g., company name)
  • Workspace key: Workspace key obtained in the previous step
  • Access key: API key issued in the previous step
  • Custom Employee Item Name for Email Address (Optional): Enter a custom employee item name (the red box in the image below) if you want to retrieve the email address for the custom employee item. If specified, it will be retrieved as the primary address. Multiple items can be entered, separated by commas (the first item will be retrieved as the primary address). When linked, the email addresses of the custom employee items can be automatically merged (merged).
  • Show business name as preferred: If a business name is set in SmartHR, set the Admina username business name.

If the link is successful, the registered user information will be displayed in the account list.

If it does not complete normally, edit it from the status tab of the integration screen and try the linkage again.

If you can't solve it, please contact us via chat πŸ™


About the data acquired when linking SmartHR

Please refer to SmartHR Plus for information on items that are linked from SmartHR to Admina.

How did we do?

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