Table of Contents



This is the procedure for linking with Micorsoft OneDrive. We will obtain information on the files that are publicly available by integrating.

・Account information will not be obtained.
・We will retrieve the names and links of files that are publicly available (shared) on the shared drive. Data will not be synced to the IT Management Cloud.
・To view files, you must have an Admin role in Admina, see the following page about Admina roles.



Register for Integration app(Azure app portal)
  1. Go to Azure app registration portal and click "+New Registration" to register an application name. Enter the name as shown in the image and click Register.
  1. Click app you create. Go to API Permissions > +Add a permisson and select Microsoft Graph > Application permissons

  1. Select the following Permissions.
  • Application.Read.All
  • Application.ReadWrite.All
  • Directory.Read.All
  • Files.Read.All
  • Files.ReadWrite.All
  • Organization.Read.All
  • Sites.FullControl.All
  • Sites.Read.All
  • Sites.ReadWrite.All
  • User.Read
  • User.Read.All

Click Grant admin consent for <domain name> , and change the status Granted.

Issue Certificate
  1. Click Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > New client secret and Enter next values, and click Add.
  • Description:the name of key
  • Expires:API key expiration date. Please select the desired period of time. (If the expiration date expires, integration error will occur and the key will need to be reissued.)

  1. Copy and save the Vaule of the key created (be sure to copy the Vaule at this stage, as it will only appear once) for use in Admina's Client Secret.
  1. Display the Overview menu, check each of the following values, copy and save them.
  • Directory (tenant) ID :Used for Admina workspace keys.
  • Application (client) ID :Used for Admina client ID.

We have enough information for integration.


Setup Integration

  1. Search OneDrive in Admina.
  1. Enter each of the following values and click "Integrate".
    1. Workspace keyDirectory (tenant) ID
    2. Cilent IDApplication (client) ID
    3. Client SecretVaule
  2. After successfully integrating with OneDrive, the Services > "Files" tab will appear, displaying information about the shared files. (Synchronization will take some time to complete, depending on the number of files.)


If it does not complete successfully, please edit the status tab on the integration screen and try integrating again.

If the problem persists, please contact us via chat.🙏


Stop Sharing

It is possible to change (stop) file sharing settings from Admina.

This allows you to immediately stop sharing of potentially dangerous files.

For detailed instructions, please refer to the instructions for stopping sharing in Box.

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