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Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus (Cost Data)

Yasuhiro Miyoshi Updated by Yasuhiro Miyoshi

This page explains how to retrieve SaaS expenditure data from Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus. For account data integration procedures, please see Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus .

Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus will import accounting data that meets the following conditions.

  • Accounts belonging to manufacturing costs/manufacturing expenses and accounts belonging to the income statement - selling, general and administrative expenses. Or accounts with account codes and sub-account codes specified by the user.
  • Approved Journal Entries
  • Lines in the journal that contain the target account name in the debit column

Advance preparation

How to log in to Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus

On the Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus login page , enter your email address and password to log in.

Granting app integration permissions

Log in to the app portal as a system administrator and grant事業者情報andクラウド会計Plus app integration permissions to the user who will be integrating.

Setting up the integration

On the Money Forward Admin integration screen, search for Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus . Click Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus (Cost Data) .

If you want to link your account data, please select the icon without (Cost data). For instructions on linking your account data, please see Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus .

Click Connect .

By entering勘定科目コードor補助科目コードseparated by commas, you can limit the results to the target account code or sub-account code.
Example: In the case of A123, A123-99 : ・A123: Account code ・A123-99: The account code is A123, and 99 is the sub-account code for A123.

Log in to Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus with the user to whom you have just granted permissions. Select the business location to link with and click Next .

Click Allow .

If the connection is successful, cost data will appear in the expenses section.

If it doesn't complete successfully, edit it from the Status tab on the Integration screen and try the integration again.

If the issue is not resolved, please contact us via chat.

For details on the Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus integration, please see the Integration page .

How did we do?

Money Forward Cloud Accounting Plus

Money Forward Cloud Agreement
