Table of Contents


Translation Disclaimer: The documents herein have been machine translated for your convenience by translation software. While reasonable efforts are made to provide accurate translations, portions may be incorrect. If you would like to report a translation error or inaccuracy, we encourage you to please contact us.


Creating API Roles

To grant privileges to API clients in Jamf Pro, you must first create API roles that define a set of privileges. You can now assign one or more of these roles to a client to grant privileges.

  1. In the Jamf Pro sidebar, click on Settings.
  2. In the System section, click API Roles and Clients.
  3. Click the API Roles tab at the top of the pane.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter a Display Name for the API Role. Enter any name.
  6. Enter the permission set. Set the following permissions

Read Accounts

Delete Accounts

Create Accounts

When integrating MDM integration, set the following permissions in addition to the above.

Read Buildings

Read Departments

Read Mobile Devices

Read Computers

  1. Click Save.


Create API Client
  1. In the Jamf Pro sidebar, click Settings.
  2. In the System section, click API Roles and Clients.
  3. Click the APl Clients tab at the top of the pane.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter a Display Name for the APl Client.
  6. In the API Roles field, add the API role you just created.
  7. Under Access Token Validity Period, enter the time in seconds for the access token to be valid.
Changing the value of the access token validity period later will not affect previously generated access tokens from the API client. Similarly, deleting or disabling the client will not disallow access to previously generated and still valid access tokens. It is recommended that a longer value be set. However, any changes to the API roles assigned to the client will immediately affect all access tokens.


Create Client Secret
  1. In Jamf Pro, navigate to the API client from which the access token was generated.
  2. Click Generate Client Secret. A confirmation dialog will appear.
  3. Click Create Secret. A pop-up window will appear with the Client ID and Client Secret.
    The Client Secret will only be displayed once. Be sure to save it in a safe place before closing the dialog.

How to get a workspace key

After log in to Jamf, the following part of the URL is the workspace key , so copy it.

http:// workspace key

Integration setup

Search with Jamf on the integration screen of the Admina by Money Forward.

Enter the Workspace key, Client ID, and Client Integrate.


For MDM integration

Check the checkbox for the type of data to be acquired: devices, and click on "Integrate".

Enter the Jamf site name in the device group filter, and only devices belonging to the site will be acquired.γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€

If the Integration is successful, the registered user information will be displayed in the account list.

If it does not complete normally, edit it from the status tab of the integration screen and try the linkage again.

If you can't solve it, please contact us via chat πŸ™

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